Amfora Co 7145 Watt Ave Ste 5
North Highlands CA 95660
Phone 1 800 515 1977 Fax 916- 515 1639
Email sales@italartworld.com
Order Information
Item name
Art# __________
Quantity _________
Price _________
Total _____________________________________
_________ _________ __________ __________
Subtotal (CA residents add sales tax) __________
Freight __________
Total _______________
Billing Information
Please list your billing address. This is also the address to which products will be shipped unless otherwise specified below.
Name _______________________________________ Phone (______)_______-________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State _____________ Zip _________________
Email _____________________________________________________________________
Credit Card (Circle one): Visa / MasterCard / American Express
Card# _________ _________ _________ _________ Expiration MM/YY) ___/___
Signature _______________________________ Date Signed _____/_____/_____
Shipping Information
Only complete this area if you would like the products shipped to an address other than the one listed above (i.e. a gift).
Name ______________________________________ Phone (______)_______-_________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
City _____________________________ State _____________ Zip ________________
Special Instructions
Note any special instructions below:
Amfora Co 7145 Watt Ave Ste 5
North Highlands CA 95660
Phone 1 800 515 1977 Fax 916- 515 1639
Email sales@italartworld.com